Where the Beach Vacation of Your Life Can Save Endangered Species
- Web: www.TurtlesFirst.com
- Acquisition Date: April 2018
- Location: Las Baulas National Park, Playa Grande, Costa Rica
- Scale: 14 villa gated community on 6.75 acres beachfront
- Structure: Single-Purpose LLC
- Return: Very high by engaging guests in saving endangered turtles
For years, developers and environmentalists fought over the right to build on Playa Grande due to its environmental sensitivity, while turtle populations dwindled even during a long construction ban. Finally, new building rules were established, and we now have an opportunity to construct the 14-lot gated community developers fought for. But we are no ordinary developer, and 14 ordinary villas would hurt the turtles we want to help.
To "break outside the box" of conventional thinking, we dreamed we asked an endangered Leatherback Turtle what we could do for him that would be better than staying away entirely. He said: “don’t come watch me, come help me!”. Thus was born Turtles First, which aims to convert Costa Rica’s world-famous eco-tourism from viewing to doing. Someone is going to develop this property, and by putting the turtles first, we can not only help them, but make a great profit!
Our plan for Turtles First leverages an ideal and monopolistic location for authentic nature experiences, highly innovative villa and site designs that maximize promotional, financial, and eco-opportunities, and unique business model aspects designed to achieve higher than typical beach resort operating profits that will benefit investors, villa purchasers, and local wildlife.
Key project highlights include:
- Special & spectacular location: Surrounded by national park on Playa Grande’s pristine unspoiled beach.
- Globally desirable location: rare turtles, estuary/wetlands tours, and world-renowned surf breaks in 90 seconds.
- Exclusive, private & secure gated access: Playa Grande’s only gated beachfront community – likely forever.
- The only five-star quality on Playa Grande: and the most eco-friendly, wildlife-friendly villas ever built in the area.
- Reclusive & pristine location: remote, yet just 5-minutes from bustling Tamarindo in our planned water shuttle.
- Easy access: 1 hour drive from fast-growing Liberia airport with more daily US non-stops all the time.
- Big discount: land acquired at 1/6 the price of nearby listings, and 1/20th of price gov’t paid for nature reserve buffers.
- High-profit Bali courtyard villa design: filled with guest-attracting features like outdoor showers and monkey decks.
- Unique programs to engage guests in saving wildlife: from hands-on rescue missions to political action.
- Simple turnkey investment model: we manage all villa rentals and operations & villa owners get checks.
- Unique eco-mission destination resort theme: “Where the Beach Vacation of Your Life Can Save Species”.
- $20M total project, targeting 30%+ IRR to development project investors.
- Expected turtle conservation support pencils out to over $100,000 plus 10,000 person hours annually.
- A scientific advisory board will direct our volunteer and funding programs where help is most needed.
Our monopolistic location and geographic barriers, exclusive courtyard villa design, turnkey business model, and “Turtles First” activities designed around saving local wildlife will integrate to provide compelling strategic advantages and impassable competitive barriers.
Because of our extreme differentiation, we expect superior room rates, occupancy, and profitability versus other local resort operators once full-scale operations are achieved, which should lead to outsized yields & value growth, as well as substantial eco-impact that leaves a legacy. But outstanding returns pencil out even just assuming area averages! All this plus the additional bonus of an amazing Costa Rican vacation destination anytime you like, with all your travel costs a write-off.
We look forward to sharing our results here, and hope they will be as good for the turtles as our projects tend to be for investors! We also hope you’ll want to own a piece of this project yourself, because millions of years after the turtles first came, the owners of these unique assets and their descendants will hold the legacy of Turtles First forever, which is this:
profiting handsomely by saving species, while surfing world-class breaks in paradise…
Please contact us today to participate in this unique opportunity to do well by doing good on one of the world’s most spectacular beaches.
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